版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本
We are never as shy and gauche as we are when attempting to seduce someone we deeply like. The thought of someone this perfect coming to take an interest in us seems at once tantalising and entirely implausible. We develop vertigo and, too often, fall.
Do you wanna dating with someone you've just met? Do you wanna flirt someone you've just met? The Secret of Seduction will help you to make it real. Seduction is all about paying attention to someone's else's needs and moving forward accordingly. If you want to seduce a woman, spend time getting to know her, set an appropriate atmosphere, and move slowly while getting physical.
Escape the frienzone NOW and seduce your crush.
Séduire une personne n'est pas aussi compliqué qu'on le penserait.
Jouer un rôle, prétendre être quelqu'un d'autre, manipuler les gens, tout ça ne sert à rien. Comme d'hab faut savoir rester soi même.
Désormais draguer ou séduire une femme ne vous poserez plus de problème.